Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Speed up!

Masterstudies, 15 out of 21 done, just 6 left!

While I was doing these, I understood that using textured brushes is quite handy. Yeah, I usually used only one round brush with ragged edges, so for my ways of painting it is very new approach :D

+ Increasing speed of working
+ Applicable for environment and base layer for portraits
+ Speed also can be increased by placing certain colours in certain places, mistake less, and not just throwing blobs of colours as I usually did :D


Aaand some quick figures..


Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Some useful videos on Youtube I found this week:

4 Time-Saving Tips (from a guy who spent 13 YEARS drawing a comic)
"Fail more!"

Illustration VS Concept - Why do some companies want Sketches and others want paintings?
Very clear explanation what concept art is and how it is different from illustration

#youtube #tutorials 

Wednesday, 18 July 2018


So, it has happened, I can't do not only master studies, but, like, nothing related to the art at all..

Last one was a day ago, 11 out of 21

What I found helpful in those conditions:

- Go outside: to nature or to museums and galleries, cinema
- Creating something that is not related to art (even cooking something delicious can help)
- Watch some tutorials
- Cleaning
- Change routine

Things i should do to prevent this:

- Take breaks more often (maybe try 45/10), go away from PC
- Regular physical activity is necessary
- Go outside at least twice a week
- New experiences are needed: do something that i didn't try yet, learn something new

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Some new studies. Almost half is done

Feeling so unwell these days, plus this useless new flat hunting consumes most of the time, where to get more energy?..

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Started Noah Bradley challenge! :) 3 out of 21 -- so far so good! 

Do you want to join?

And a bit of skulls

#21days #bildahabit #selfeducation #noahbradleyartcamp #masterstudy #artistlife #dailysketches #noahbradleychallenge