Thursday 24 January 2019

Note for the future: if there is no centre point of a figure in photoshop in transform mode, make sure that this option is ticked :)

Doing some "UI" for the board game, found useful links:

- how to create radial symmetry in photoshop

- how to create circular pattern

One new illustration for the game

Trying Blender :)

Aaaand some useful books:

Hyperfocus by Chris Bailey
Reinvent me by Camilla Sacre-Dallerup
How to be an imperfectionist by Stephen Guise

Sunday 25 November 2018

It's been a long time :)

Haven't updated this blog for such a long time.

So, what's happen:

- a kitten, although we had to return him, sad experience.. :( Will try again aftrer finishing the main big project.

- two new pieces for Zodiac War board game:

- Some figure practice

- Quick portraits for personal DnD project:


- Wedding invitations!

- And 3D! :) finally

So, I opened Zbrush, raged and closed it, opened Blender, even made a doughnut! :D
Seriously, Andrew Price is a great teacher. Some of his tutorials on Youtube:

I am really pleasantly surprised how clear his explanations are. As an ex-teacher I just adore :)

Some useful links for Blender and 3D:

- Characters, an add-on by Manuel Bastioni:
- Animated characters from Maxamo:

#3d #blender #weddinginvitations #portrait #characters #boardgame #zodiacwar #zodiac

Saturday 4 August 2018

Will it actually be any better... ever?

I don't know why but I have real problem with finishing images, like some kind of mental block or something. All is good, concept is already agreed and accepted, but no, somehow i need to change everything and start from the beginning, it could last quite a long time, during that time i hate myself, depression gets worse etc etc...

Maybe i need study more, even more than now.. then how? maybe it is wrong way of studying? aaaaaa, idk i would be glad if someone could help

One masterstudy this time:

Such a great light and colours! Original painting by Daniel Gerhartz (supposedly, I could not find the artist of the original stunning work..)